Purchase/Work Order Listing Report

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The Purchase/Work Order Listing Report is accessed from the Reports Window, Project Management, Order Tracking folder.  This report provides a list of all Purchase/Work Orders in Design Manager.  Unlike the Open Purchase Order Report, this report lists both open and closed POs/WOs.


po_wo listing


This report allows you to enter ranges for ordered dates, Projects, and Vendor codes.  This report has a summary and a detail version.  The summary version includes the PO/WO number, ordered date, ship by date, acknowledgement date and number, and the estimated cost.  The detail version contains this information as well as the CFA date, expected ship date, Component reference numbers and descriptions, received date and quantity, and back order quantity.  This information is derived from the information you enter on the Purchase Order Status Window and Edit Order Status Windows and Vendor Invoice information for the PO/WO.  You may select to show Vendor and Ship To contact information, as well as the status field you have entered for Purchase/Work Orders.  This report also has an option to print full Component descriptions, as opposed to only the first few words of each description.  Component descriptions are only listed on the detail version of this report. The Show Invoice Paid option will print a summary under each PO/WO that shows information about the Vendor Invoice that pays for the PO/WO.