Employee Window - Payroll Tab

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The fourth tab on the Employee Window is the Payroll Tab.  The Employee Payroll system allows you to enter the appropriate Accounts and amounts necessary for generating a paycheck for an Employee.  When adding an Employee, all Accounts that are designated as payroll accounts in the Account Glossary will be shown on the grid.  Usually there is a salary account and several deduction accounts such as Federal Income Tax Withheld.  The salary account should be a positive amount, while the other Accounts should be negative amounts.  The payroll total is the sum of all Accounts on the grid which represents the Employee’s net pay.  All amounts on this grid should be for a single pay period.  For instance, if an Employee is paid weekly, then these amounts should reflect one week’s pay.  Payroll checks to Employees can be generated on the Documents and Accounting Window.  The amounts can be edited for each check generated to account for differences in payroll from period to period.


empl_mgr glossary - payroll tab

Add, edit and delete entries by clicking on the appropriate button.  Clicking on the Add or Edit Buttons will open the Employee Payroll Account Window.  To delete an entry, highlight the entry and click on the Delete Button.


Click the W2 Info Button to input the necessary information for the Employee's W2 form on the W2 Information Window.  You can print the W2 form under Accounts Payable Payroll reports.