Quick Add Line Items Window

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The Quick Add Line Items Window is an interface which allows users to rapidly create Specifications by inputting only essential information.

To utilize this function, from the Specifications - Item View window, click on the More menu button More and select the Quick Add option. quick add butotn


quick add window


Three instances where using the Quick Add Line Items Window are particularly useful are:


1.Specifics regarding the merchandise are not yet known but general knowledge of what is to be purchases has been determined.  For example, the Client requires a new set of couches, chairs, area rugs, etc.  The Quick Add Line Items Window can be used to create the Specifications with just the Location, limited Description, even the Estimated Sell Price.  The Specifications can then be used for preliminary approval by the Client, review by a Purchasing Manager or Lead Designer, etc.  All of the detailed information can be entered as it becomes known.
2.Reimbursable Expenses such as travel expenses, postage, etc. can be easily entered for billing to the Client.
3.Large design Projects often have a multitude of small accessories - candles, pillows, etc. - that can create a burdensome task to enter using the Add button on the Specifications Window.  The Quick Add Line Items Window allows the user to rapidly create the Specifications for these accessories.


All of the information on the Quick Add Line Items Window can be left blank.


The following fields are available:


Location: Enter the Location Code into which the Item is to be placed at the Client’s site.  To search for a Location or create a new Location for the Project, click on the Search button in the lower left corner of this window.  For more information on Locations, see the Location Window under Glossary Windows.


Sales Category (Sales Cat.): Sales Categories are used to classify or group your revenue from sales and costs from purchases.  For example, a sofa may fit into a Furniture Sales Category while installation of wallpaper may fit into a Labor Sales Category.  Sales Categories are completely optional.  For more information on Sales Categories, see Understanding Sales Categories and the Sales Category Window.


Vendor:  Enter the Code of the Vendor from which you will be ordering the merchandise.  A valid Vendor Code must be filled in before a Purchase Order is issued for the Specification, but does not have to be filled in to create a Proposal or Client Invoice.  For more information on Vendors, see the Vendor Window under Glossary Windows.


Description: This is the Description that will be recorded on the both the Item Window - Item Tab, for the Client, and the Component Window - Component Tab for the Vendor.  Remember, both Descriptions can be edited independently at a later time as necessary.


Quantity: The estimated Quantity of the Specification.


Units: The Unit of Measure, up to 6 characters, may be entered here and describes the measurement of the Quantity, such as "yards" or "feet".  For a list of commonly used Units of Measure, click on the drop-down arrow to the immediate right of this box.  You may also type your own text directly.


Cost and Pricing Information:  The Pricing information on the Quick Add Line Items Window will change based upon Pricing % Type for Merchandise as configured on the Project Advanced Options Window - General Tab for the current Project entered on the Specifications Window.  The Unit Cost field, which is the anticipated cost from the Vendor per unit of Quantity, is always present.  Other fields will be displayed depending on the Pricing % Type and will often be automatically calculated based upon the Project Pricing % for Merchandise.  The three Pricing % options will change the window in the following manner:


Markup Cost (Markup): Fields for Extended Cost (Ext. Cost), Mark-up, and Price will be displayed.  The Extended Cost will be automatically calculated as the Unit Cost multiplied by the Quantity.  The Mark-up and Price will also be automatically calculated as the Extended Cost multiplied by the Project Pricing % while the Price is the sum of the Extended Cost and the Mark-up.


Discount List (Discount): Fields for Extended Cost (Ext. Cost), List, and Price will be displayed.  The Extended Cost will be automatically calculated as the Unit Cost multiplied by the Quantity.  Enter the unit list price of the specification into the List field.  Doing so will automatically calculate the Price as the product of the List and the Quantity less the appropriate Discount from the Project Pricing %.


Fee:  Fields for Base and Fee will be displayed.  The Base will be calculated as the product of the Quantity and Unit Cost.  The Fee will be calculated as the product of the Base and Project Pricing %.


Set the Budget Price and Quantity (Set the Budget Price/Qty.): This option will place the Price and Quantity of each specification into the Budget Amount and Budget Quantity/Hours fields, respectively, on the Item Window - Pricing Information Tab.  Doing so allows the Budget Analysis (Item Level) Report to compare the initial Price and Quantity to the currents values as they may have changed due to cost variances or other factors over time.  Sometimes, however, storing the Price and Quantity may not be desired.  For instance, certain accessories may not be part of the overall Project Budget.  By not storing the Price of these goods, the Budget Analysis (Project Level) Report will properly display the accessories as being non-Budget Items and won't interfere with the analysis of Items that are under budget.


Enter as much or a little information in the fields above as desired.  When concluded, click the Add>> button which will create a new entry on the Quick Add Line Item Grid.  The Location, Sales Category, Quantity, and Unit of Measure will default from the prior entry to facilitate data input.  Add as many entries as necessary in this method.  When all the entries have been added, click the Project button on the bottom of the window.  Upon clicking the Project button, you will be asked "All Items on the grid will be created in the Project.  Do you wish to continue?".  Clicking Yes will create a new Item in the Project for each entry on the Quick Add Line Item Grid and close the window.  Clicking No will close the window, but leave the entries for the Project unaffected.  The entries will remain on the Quick Add Line Item Grid for the Project so the appropriate action can be taken the next time the window is loaded.


The buttons at the bottom of the window are used in the following manner:


Edit: The information for the selected entry on the Quick Add Line Item Grid can be changed by clicking the Edit button.  Doing so will populate the fields with the original information and change the Add>> button to read Save>>.  Make the necessary revisions and click the Save>> button to change the entry.


Delete: Upon clicking the Delete button, you will be asked "Do you wish to delete the highlighted record?".  Clicking Yes will remove the selected entry from the Quick Add Line Item Grid while selecting No will leave the entry unaffected.


Delete All:  Upon clicking the Delete All button, you will be asked "Are you sure you want to delete all of the Items entered on the window?".  Clicking Yes will remove all entries from the Quick Add Line Item Grid while selecting No will leave them unaffected.


Close: The Close button will close the Quick Add Line Item Window.  Any entries recorded will remain on the window so they can be created as Items for the Project at a later time.