New Cash Receipt Window

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The New Cash Receipt Window is used to record any Retainers, Deposits on Proposals, or Payments on Invoices from your Client.  The New Cash Receipt Window allows you record a Check for a single Deposit or Payment or to easily distribute a single Check from your Client across a variety of Proposals or Invoices.


New Cash Receipt Window


To record a new Cash Receipt, first select if you want to record the funds for a single Project or for all Projects of a particular Client by using the By Project/Order and By Client options, respectively.  Then, depending on your selection, enter or search for the desired Code in the Project/Order (Proj./Ord.) or Client field to the right. the enter the amount of the receipt into the Amount field.  Select the appropriate Payment Type.  You can optionally input the Client's Check Number, your Deposit Slip Number, and change the Receipt Date.  Next, simply "tag" the Retainer, Deposit on a Proposal, or Payment on an Invoice, or any combination thereof, to which you wish to record the Cash Receipt.  Click the OK button to save the new receipt.  Each of the controls and fields on the window are described in detail below.



By Project/Order and By Client:  Cash Receipts can be recorded for a single Project or over all Projects for a single Client.


Project/Order (Proj./Ord.) and Client:  Depending on the By Project/Order or By Client selection, input the proper Project or Client Code in this field.  Upon doing so, the Client Deposit / Retainer and Payment Grids will display all the Proposals and unpaid Client Invoices for the Project or Client, respectively.


Amount:  Enter the full value of the Client's Check into the Amount field.  The Amount may represent a single Deposit or Payment, but also may be distributed as several Deposits, Payments, and/or Retainer.


Payment Type:  Select the appropriate Payment Type for the Cash Receipt.  Payment Types determine into which Cash Account the receipt will be recorded and automate the grouping of receipts with the same payment method (i.e., credit card, client check, etc.) into a single entry on the Checking Window - Checkbook Tab.  Payment Types can be created or edited on the Company Information Window - A/R  Showroom Tab.  For more information, see Cash Receipt Payment Types and the Company Information Window - A/R Showroom Tab.


Check Number (Chk. No.):  This is an optional field which is used to record the number of the Client's Check or, if other methods of payment were employed, a phrase or confirmation number such as "WIRE" for funds that were electronically wired.


Date:  The Date of the Cash Receipt needs to be entered here and will represent the date on which the Cash Receipt is displayed in the Checking Window - Checkbook Tab.


Deposit Slip Number (Deposit Slip No.):  This is an optional field which is used to record the number of your bank Deposit Slip.  The Deposit Slip Number will default to the selected Payment Type.  Receipts will be grouped together on the Checking Window - Checkbook Tab by the combination of the Receipt Date and Deposit Slip Number.  In other words, if certain Cash Receipts have the same Receipt Date and Deposit Slip Number, they will appear as a single Deposit entry on the Checkbook.


Client Deposit / Retainer (Proposals / Quotes) Grid:  The Client Deposit / Retainer Grid is the top grid on the New Cash Receipt Window.  The first row of this grid is always reserved to enter Retainers for the Project.  If the By Client option is used, one Retainer row will be present for each Project of the Client.  Beneath the Retainer row, the grid displays all Proposals for the Project in Proposal Number order.  When recording a new Cash Receipt, you can select which Proposals or Retainer to apply the funds.


By default, only Proposals not indicated as Complete nor Inactive and that have not received Deposits greater than their Requested Amount will appear.  If every Proposal for the Project or Client is needed, select the Show All option above the Client Deposit / Retainer Grid.


Pay Tag:  Click this column to select the Proposals and/or Retainer to which the new Cash Receipt is intended.  Hitting the Space Bar on the keyboard will also tag the currently selected Proposal or Retainer.


Project/Quote: The Code of the Project for which the Proposal was generated.


Proposal/Document Number (Proposal/Doc. No.): The unique number of the Proposal or Document for the Project.


Date: The Date of the Proposal.


Name/Description: The title or description of the Proposal.


Requested Amount: The total Requested Deposit for the Proposal will be displayed here.  The Requested Amount will always be 0.00 in Retainer rows.


Received To Date: For Proposals, the Received To Date column displays the total of all Deposits previously recorded against the Proposal.  For the Retainer row, the Received To Date will display the sum of all Retainers previously recorded for the Project.


Available:  The Available column displays what portion of the Retainer or Deposit has not yet been allocated to existing Client Invoices.


This Payment: The amount displayed in this column represents how much Deposit or Retainer will be recorded when tagged.  For Proposals, the Requested Amount less the Received To Date amount will be defaulted for new Cash Receipt.  You must change the amount in the This Payment column by clicking the Edit button to launch the Edit Cash Receipt Payment Window if the amount differs from what the Client is actually paying.  For Retainers, this column will always be 0.00.  You will need to click the Edit button to input the desired Retainer amount.


Edit Button:  Click the Edit button to change the Amount or Transaction Description of the selected Retainer or Deposit on Proposal on the Edit Cash Receipt Payment Window.


Tag Button:  Click the Tag Button to display the Tag Proposal Window on which you can input, or search for, a Proposal Number to quickly select and tag the Proposal on the Client Deposit / Retainers grid.


Payment (Invoices) Grid:  The Payment Grid is the second grid on the New Cash Receipt Window.  This grid shows all Client Invoices for the Project or Client, depending on the By Project/Order and By Client options, that the Client has not yet paid in full.  The Invoices will be listed in Invoice Number order.


By default, only Invoices not paid in full (or otherwise closed) will appear.  If every Client Invoice for the Project or Client is needed, select the Show All option above the Payment  (Invoices) Grid.


Pay Tag:  Click this column to select the Invoice(s) to which the new cash receipt is intended.


Project/Order Number (No.): The Code of the Project for which the Invoice was generated.


Invoice Number (Invoice No.): The unique number of the Invoice.


Date:  The Date of the Invoice.


Proposal Number (Prop. No.):  The optional Proposal Number associated with the Invoice.


Name / Description: The Project Name and the optional Invoice Transaction Description.


Balance Due: The current unpaid portion of the Invoice.


Payments To Date: The sum of all prior Payments on the Invoice will be displayed in this column.


This Payment: The amount displayed in this column represents how much Payment will be recorded on the Invoice when tagged.  By default, the amount in this column will be the Balance Due less the Payments To Date.  You must change the amount in the This Payment column by clicking the Edit button to launch the Edit Cash Receipt Payment Window if the amount differs from what the Client is actually paying.


Edit Button:  Click the Edit button to change the Amount or Transaction Description of the selected Payment on Invoice on the Edit Cash Receipt Payment Window.


Tag Button:  Click the Tag button to display the Tag Invoice Window on which you can input, or search for, an Invoice Number to quickly select and tag the Invoice on the Payments grid.