Profit and Loss by Project Summary Report

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The Profit and Loss by Project Summary Report is accessed from the Reports Window, Project Management folder and is designed to give an overall view of the profitability of a Project.  This report can be used to get a snapshot of how the Project is creating Revenue for the Company and how much the company is spending on the Project.


The report has 3 Formats; run it by Project, by Revenue, and by Manager for a Fiscal Month Range.


Profit and Loss by Project Summary Report


Profit and Loss by Project Summary Report project example


Revenue: The total Sales/Revenue from Invoices accepted through the system.


Cost of Goods Sold (COGS): The total Costs from Vendor Invoices entered into the system.


Gross Profit: The difference between the Revenue and COGS columns.


Expenses: Entries entered as Expense/Bill/Miscellaneous Vendor Invoices that offset to an Expense Account (project and Non-Project related).


Other Income and Expenses: Entries entered as Expense/Bill/Miscellaneous Vendor Invoices that offset to an Other Income and Expenses Account (project and Non-Project related).


Net Income: The difference of the Revenue column and the COGS, Expenses, and Other Income and Expenses columns.


%: Profit Percentage - Net Income divided by the Revenue represented as a Percentage.