Quarterly Income Statement

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The Quarterly Income Statement report is located under the General Ledger, Financial Statements, Income Statements folder.


The Quarterly Income Statements display the current balance and percentage of total income for each Sales, Cost of Goods Sold, Operating Expenses, and Other Income and Expenses Accounts.


There are 5 Quarterly Income Statement report formats; all except for the Comparative will show both the Quarter chosen and Year-to-Date balances.


quarterly income stmt report


Quarter - drop down menu to select the desired quarter through which the Income Statement will include transactions for reporting.  The report will print for all months up until the chosen quarter in the chosen year up to the last day in the quarter selected.


Fiscal Year - this field will default to the current year, but may be changed to any year for which to print an Income Statement.


Department - Choose Company Wide, or the specific Department you wish to run the report for.  See the G/L - Account tab for more information on Departments.


Report Format - There are 5 Quarterly Income Statement report formats - see examples of all below:


Quarter, Year-to-Date - Current Quarter and Year-to-Date balances.
Quarter, Year-to-Date, Budgets and Variances - Current Quarter and Year-to-Date balances with Budgets and Variances.
Quarter, Year-to-Date, Prior Year - Current Quarter and Year-to-Date balances with Prior Year.
Quarter, Year-to-Date, Budget Year-to-Date, Prior Year - Current Quarter and Year-to-Date balances with Budgets and Prior Year.
Comparative - Compares the Quarter chosen to that same Quarter for the Prior Year; showing the Increase/Decrease and the Percentage of Change.


Show Time Stamp - allows the exact system date and time that the report was printed to optionally be printed on the top of the Income Statement.


Suppress Zero Accounts - will cause the report to skip any Accounts that have a zero Monthly and Year-to-Date balance as of the Quarter.


Layout - drop down menu where you may choose from 1 of 3 Layouts saved. Clicking on the Layout button (top right) will open the Income Statement Layout Window where Accounts may be grouped and arranged within their Account Type as desired.



Examples of Quarterly Income Statement Reports:


Quarter, Year-to-Date

quarterly income stmt report example



Quarter, Year-to-Date, Budgets and Variances

quarterly income stmt report example-quarter_YTD_BudgVar


Quarter, Year-to-Date, Prior Year

quarterly income stmt report example-quarterly_YTD_Prior YTD


Quarter, Year-to-Date, Budget Year-to-Date, Prior Year

quarterly income stmt report example-quarterly_YTD_Prior YTD_budget



quarterly income stmt report example-comparative