Vendor Deposits, Invoices, and Operating Expenses Window - New Tab

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The Vendor Deposits, Invoices, and Operating Expenses Window - New Tab is the interface to record all payables including bills and invoices for purchased merchandise, deposits to accompany Purchase Orders, general business expenses, payroll, etc.


Vendor Deposits, Invoices, Operating Expenses - New

Fiscal Month:  Like all Transaction Posting Windows in Design Manager, the Fiscal Month into which the entries on the New Vendor Payables Grid will be posted is displayed in the top left corner of the New Tab.  Depending on the settings on the Company Information Window - Fiscal Month Tab, the Fiscal Month will either default to the current Company Fiscal Month or to one month after the last Closed Fiscal Month.  If the user has the Allow Fiscal Month Changes Password Attribute unlocked, the Fiscal Month can be changed as desired.

Total Purchases:  As new Payables are added to the New Vendor Payables Grid, the Total Purchases will automatically update to display the sum of the Payables entered thus far that are not on Hold as described below.


The New Vendor Payables Grid displays all unposted Vendor Payables for the current Design Manager user. Note:  Each user maintains their own list of Vendor Payables on the New Vendor Payables Grid and will not view other users' Payables.  The New Vendor Payables Grid has the following columns:


Hold:  The Hold column allows the user to selectively prevent a Payable from being posted upon clicking the Post button.  To set a Vendor Payable on Hold, click the checkbox in this column for the desired Payable.


Transaction Reference Number (TX Ref. No.):  The unique identifier of the Vendor Payable within Design Manager.


Vendor Code: The Code of the Vendor for who the Payable is owed.


Vendor Name: The Name of the Vendor for who the Payable is owed.


Invoice Number (Invoice No.): The number or code to identify the Vendor's bill.


Purchase Order Number (PO No.):  If the Payable is a Deposit or Vendor Invoice on a Project or Inventory Purchase Order, the corresponding Purchase Order Number will be displayed in this column.


Invoice Date (Inv. Date):  The date displayed on the Vendor's bill or the date the invoice was received and/or recorded.


Pay Date:  The date by which payment is due to the Vendor.


Gross Amount:  The total amount of the Vendor Payable prior to the reduction of any Vendor Deposits, if applicable.


Deposit Applied:  For Vendor Invoices on Project and Inventory Purchase Orders, any previously recorded Vendor Deposits for the Purchase Order will be displayed.


Net Amount:  The Gross Amount of the Invoice less any Deposit Applied, if applicable.


Discount Amount:  Any Discount from the Vendor for the Payable will be listed in this column.


Discount Days (Disc. Days):  The number of days from the Invoice Date by which payment for the Payable must be made in order for the Discount to be applied.


Credit Card:  If a Credit Card was used to pay the Vendor Payable, the Credit Card Account Name will be displayed.


Transaction Description:  The optional Transaction Description for the Payable, if one was entered by the user.


Hand Check Wire Transfer Number (Hand Ck./Wire Xfer. No.):  If the Hand Check Wire Transfer button was used to indicate the Payable was previously paid by a hand-written check or electronic transfer, the Hand Check Number or Wire Transfer Number will be displayed.


Hand Check Wire Transfer Date (Hand Ck./Wire Xfer. Date):  If the Hand Check Wire Transfer button was used to indicate the Payable was previously paid by a hand-written check or electronic transfer, the date of the Hand Check or Wire Transfer will be displayed.


Hand Check Wire Transfer Cash Account (Hand Ck./Wire Xfer. Cash Acct.):  The Number of the Cash Account used to record the Hand Check or Wire Transfer.


Hand Check Wire Transfer Transaction Description (HCk. Trans. Desc.):  The  optional Transaction Description associated with Hand Check or Wire Transfer.


Add and Edit:  The Add and Edit buttons will display the Vendor Deposit, Invoice, or Operating Expense Window to enter a new Vendor Payable or revise the selected Vendor Payable on the New Vendor Payables Grid, respectively.  Until the Vendor Payables are posted, any revisions will be done from the New Tab of the Vendor Deposits, Invoices, and Operating Expenses Window.  After posting, if a Vendor Payable needs to be edited or voided, it must be done from the Existing Tab as described later in this chapter.  More information on is available under the Vendor Deposit, Invoice, or Operating Expense Window below.


Delete:  Upon selecting a Vendor Payable and clicking the Delete button, you will be asked "Are you sure that you want to permanently delete the current record?".  Clicking Yes will remove the Vendor Payable from the New Vendor Payables Grid while selecting No will take no effect.


Deposits:  The Deposits button launches the Quick Add Vendor Deposits Window which is used to automatically generate Vendor Deposits for multiple open Project and Inventory Purchase Orders.  For more information on this process, see Automatically Generating Vendor Deposits and the Quick Add Vendor Deposits Window below.


Recurring:  Clicking the Recurring button displays the Recurring Operating Expenses Window from where Recurring Operating Expenses can be created, edited, and selected for posting.  Recurring Operating Expenses will be discussed in full in Recurring Operating Expenses or Bills.


Journal:  Click the Journal button to print the Purchases Posting List Report. Note:  If the Require Journals option is selected on the Company Advanced Options Window - General Tab, the Journal must be sent to the printer prior to posting the Vendor Payables.  All Posting Lists always default to be sent directly to the printer rather than being displayed in the Print Preview Window.


Post:  Upon clicking the Post button, you will be asked "Do you wish to post this list of Purchases into <Fiscal Month>?" where <Fiscal Month> is the selected month of the Fiscal Month.  Clicking Yes will post the Vendor Payables and remove them from the New Vendor Payables Grid.  Selecting No will take not post the Payables, leaving them on the grid for further review, addition, or editing. Note:  Unposted Payables will not be visible any where else in Design Manager!  Only upon posting the Vendor Payables will accounting activity occur, Project information be updated, etc.