Delivery Tickets Window

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The Delivery Tickets Window is the interface to manage Delivery or Shipping Tickets for Projects.


delivery tix window

Entering or selecting a Project Code into the Project field displays all Delivery Tickets for the Project on the Delivery Tickets Grid.


The Delivery Tickets Grid has the following columns:


Delivery Ticket Number (Ticket No.):  The unique reference number of the Delivery  Ticket within the selected Project.


Date: The Date of the Delivery Ticket.


Ship to Site:  Whether or not the Items on the Delivery Ticket will be shipped to the Project Site Address.


Ship To Code:  If the Delivery Ticket is not set to Ship to Site, the Code of the selected Ship To address will be shown in this column.


Ship To Name:  If the Delivery Ticket is not set to Ship to Site, the Name of the selected Ship To address will be shown in this column.


Remarks / Notes:  Any Remarks added to the Delivery Ticket.


Add and Edit:  The Add and Edit buttons will display the New Delivery Ticket or Edit  Delivery Ticket Windows to create a new Delivery Ticket or revise the selected Delivery Ticket on the  Delivery Tickets Grid, respectively.  More information on is available under the New Delivery Ticket Window and Editing a Delivery Ticket below.


Delete:  Upon selecting a Delivery Ticket and clicking the Delete button, a message asking "Are you sure you want to delete this Delivery Ticket?" will be displayed.  Clicking the Yes button will permanently delete the Delivery Ticket from Design Manager.  Clicking the No button will leave the Delivery Ticket unaffected. Note:  If a Delivery Ticket is deleted, no record of the document will be available in Design Manager regardless if the shipping department or company actually possesses a copy of the Delivery Ticket.


Re-Print:  The Re-Print button will display the Re-Print Delivery Ticket Window whereupon the selected Delivery Ticket can be reviewed in the Print Preview Window, printed directly to a printer, or emailed.  The Re-Print Delivery Ticket Window will discussed in full under Re-printing or Emailing a Delivery Ticket later in this chapter.