Tree View Tab

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The Tree View Tab displays the entire Project in a hierarchical Specification Tree providing a visual interpretation of how the Project is organized within Design Manager.


Specification Window - Tree Tab

The current Project Code and Name is listed at the top of the Specification Tree.  Beneath the Project is each Location currently assigned to Items in the Project.  Both the Location Code and Name are displayed and the Locations are listed in Code order.  If any Items within the Project do not have a Location assigned, a special Location reading <No Location> will be listed first.


If a plus sign (+) precedes the Location Code, it indicates one of two possibilities:


If Item Groups are being used, the plus sign indicates that the Location contains one or more Groups beneath it.  Click on the plus sign to few the Groups within the Location.
If Item Groups are not being used, the plus sign indicates that the Location contains one or more Items beneath it.  Click on the plus sign to few the Items within the Location.


Expanding a Group by clicking on the plus sign will reveal the Items within the Group.  Likewise, expanding an Item will display all of its Components.  To collapse a level, click on the minus sign (-) which reverts it to a plus sign.


The Specification Tree will also list Items according to the Show Selection.  Therefore, by defaults, only Active Items will be displayed on the Tree.  Inactive, Complete, or All Items can be viewed by making the appropriate selection.


Several Specification Management buttons are also available on the Tree View tab.


New Item and Edit:  The New Item and Edit buttons will display the Item Window to create a new Item or change the selected Item on the Specification Tree, respectively.  For a full description of the Item Window, see Entering Items below.


Delete:  Upon selecting an Item and clicking the Delete button, one of two actions will occur:


A message stating "Are you sure you want to delete this Item along with all of its Components?" will be displayed.  Clicking the Yes button will permanently delete the Item and all of its Components.  Clicking the No button will leave the Item as is.
A message stating "This Item cannot be deleted . . ." along with the reason preventing the Item from being deleted will be displayed.  You can, however, set the Item as Complete by clicking the checkbox in the Complete column.


Note that only Items can be edited and deleted from the Specification Tree.  Editing or deleting the Project, Locations, Groups, or Components is not possible from the Tree View tab.


New Item and Edit:  The New Item and Edit buttons will display the Item Window to create a new Item or change the selected Item on the Specification Tree, respectively.  For a full description of the Item Window, see Entering Items below.


Store:  The Store button allows the user to create a new Catalog Item from the selected Item using the Store Item in Catalog Window. Creating a Catalog Item from an existing Project Item is discussed in Catalog System below.


Copy and Paste: The Copy and Paste buttons allow the user to copy Specifications between Projects or even within a single Project. To copy an Item, enter the Project Code of the Project you will be copying from into the Project field.  Select the desired Item on the Specification Tree and click the Copy button.  To paste the Item into a new Project, enter the Code of the desired Project into the Project field.  Click the Project on the Specification Tree so it highlights, then click the Paste button.  Any "level" on the Specification Tree can be copied and pasted.  All the Items within a Location, Group, or an entire Project can be copied by selecting the desired level on the Specification Tree and clicking the Copy button.  The Items can be pasted into a desired level on the designation Project.  For example, the Bedroom Location and all its Items are copied from the source Project.  If the Master Bedroom Location is selected on the destination Project and the Past button is clicked, all the Items would be copied into the Master Bedroom, not the Bedroom. Single Components of an Item can be copied and pasted in the same manner.  Copied Items do not carry forward any accounting or document information.